This page provides a running list of updates and additions to datasets available on the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. Please note that many datasets viewable on the Portal’s interactive maps are hosted and maintained externally by other entities, and updates to those externally hosted datasets may not be included in this list. To be notified of future updates, please follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our quarterly newsletter.

Next Anticipated Data Updates


  • An updated regional aquaculture layer will integrate the latest aquaculture data from states across the Northeast.

Energy and Infrastructure

  • The Portal team works with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to ensure that updates to planning areas, lease areas, proposed projects, and infrastructure are included on the Portal in a timely manner. Visit our Offshore Wind Projects overview page to keep up with the latest.


  • The Portal team is reviewing and updating water trails, boat launches, secured/protected coastal lands, beaches, and coastal access points data.


  • Updated navigational charts layers, and several additional updated layers in collaboration with the Marine Cadastre including aids to navigation, deepwater ports, navigation channels, principal ports, and submarine cable areas.

June 20, 2024: Water Quality

Added study locations for a proposed mCDR research study. More information

June 13, 2024: Commercial Fishing > Fishing Footprints & Transit Density

Added two new commercial fisheries datasets showing commercial fishing activity and vessel transit activity. More information

June 6, 2024: Marine Transportation > Vessel Traffic

Vessel traffic and activity data for 2023 are now available. More information

May 9, 2024: Energy & Infrastructure > Planning Areas

Added Gulf of Maine Proposed Sale Notice Lease Areas.

April 30, 2024: Bathymetry & Imagery > Planned Seafloor Mapping Areas

Added several layers showing areas of coverage for planned seafloor mapping surveys. More information

April 30, 2024: Habitat > Blue Carbon

Added new high-resolution maps of salt marsh carbon and soil properties. More information

April 24, 2024: Marine Life > Birds

Updated bird distribution models. More information

April 17, 2024: Energy & Infrastructure > Planning Areas

Replaced ‘Coastal Energy Facilities’ with ‘Power Plants’.

March 21, 2024: Energy & Infrastructure > Planning Areas

Added data layer for the BOEM Gulf of Maine Final Wind Energy Area.

April 17, 2024: Energy & Infrastructure > Planning Areas

Replaced ‘Coastal Energy Facilities’ with ‘Power Plants’.

March 21, 2024: Energy & Infrastructure > Planning Areas

Added data layer for the BOEM Gulf of Maine Final Wind Energy Area.

January 24, 2024: Marine Life > Marine Mammals Vulnerable to Climate Change

Added new data products that depict the total abundance and species richness of marine mammals in the western North Atlantic (U.S. east coast) that are vulnerable to climate change. More information

December 13, 2023: Habitat > Gulf of Maine Seafloor Geomorphology

Added three map layers showing regional seafloor geomorphology data for collaborative planning and assessment offshore in the Gulf of Maine. More information

November 6, 2023: Energy and Infrastructure

Added five map layers that depict the relative suitability modeling results from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) for draft Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) in the Gulf of Maine. More information

October 11, 2023: Commercial Fishing

Added map layer for a proposed Habitat Area of Particular Concern (HAPC) offshore of southern New England More information

September 14, 2023: Marine Life – Sea Turtles

Added new sea turtle surface density model data products including monthly estimates of average density and model coefficient of variation for four species: Green, Kemp’s Ridley, Loggerhead, and Leatherback sea turtles. More information (See also: Update 12/12/2023)

August 24, 2023: Bathymetry – BlueTopo

Added new BlueTopo data layer. BlueTopo is curated bathymetric source data to provide a definitive nationwide model of the seafloor and navigational lakes. More information

July 13, 2023: Habitat – Blue Carbon

Added new data from regional inventory of blue carbon stocks. Includes heat maps for eelgrass and tidal marsh habitats individually as well as a heat map showing blue carbon reservoirs for both coastal vegetation types together. More information

May 18, 2023: Marine Transportation – 2022 Commercial Traffic (AIS)

Added vessel traffic and activity data for 2022 (annual and monthly). More information

April 26, 2023: Energy & Infrastructure – Planning Areas

Added Gulf of Maine Final Call Area – April 2023 map layer associated with the Gulf of Maine’s Call for Information and Nominations announced by BOEM on April 25, 2023. More information

April 18, 2023: Marine Transportation > Proposed Areas and Studies.

Added the USCG Consolidated Port Approaches Port Access Route Studies (CPAPARS) map layer and the USCG Approaches to Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts Port Access Route Study (MNMPARS) map layer. More information

April 11, 2023: Physical Oceanography – Ocean Observing Buoys and Monitoring Stations

Added map layer with the locations of federal ocean observing buoys and monitoring stations that measure and record physical oceanographic and meteorological data. Clicking on a buoy or station on the map opens a dynamically updated graph of ocean conditions for the past seven days at that location. More information

January 25, 2023: Marine Transportation – Proposed Areas and Studies

Added proposed routing measures from the U.S. Coast Guard draft report for the Approaches to Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts Port Access Route Study (MNMPARS). More information

November 21, 2022: Commercial Fishing – Vessel Activity

Added nine data products that broadly characterize the density of commercial fishing vessel activity (2015-2019) based on VMS data. More information

November 17, 2022: Commercial Fishing – Management Areas

Added seven new layers showing Maine modern lobster landings data (2010-2020) summarized by Maine port and by Maine lobster zone. More information

September 8, 2022: Marine Transportation – Navigation

Added NOAA ECDIS Display Service map layer, which provides a seamless portrayal of latest electronic navigational chart (ENC) data using symbology similar to that used by the Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) used by many large commercial vessels.

September 8, 2022: Water Quality – Wastewater Outfalls

Added NOAA Wastewater Outfalls data showing locations of publicly owned treatment works and other significant point source discharges to surface waters at or near the contiguous U.S. coastline. Three types of features are provided in this data: facility location, outfall pipes, and the outfall discharge point.

August 30, 2022: Marine Transportation – Navigation

Added 2022 Proposed North Atlantic Right Whale Seasonal Speed Zones. More information

August 23, 2022: Energy & Infrastructure – Planning Areas

Added BOEM Request for Interest (RFI) and Request for Competitive Interest (RFCI) areas in the Gulf of Maine. More information

July 1, 2022: Marine Life – Marine Mammal Strandings

Added data on marine mammal strandings from Maine to Virginia by season, species and county. More information

June 30, 2022: Recreation – Whale Watching

Added whale watching activity data for the mid-Atlantic region. More information

May 31, 2022: Marine Life – Fish

Added maps showing potential vulnerability of fish species to EMF. More information

May 16, 2022: Marine Transportation – 2021 Commercial Traffic (AIS)

Added vessel traffic and activity data for 2021 (annual and monthly). More information

May 13, 2022: Marine Life – Fish

  • New data products and time slider depicting historical fish biomass from the NEFSC trawl. More information
  • New stressor sensitivity species group for fish species Potentially Vulnerability to Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) More information

April 18, 2022: Marine Transportation – Proposed Areas and Studies

Added boundary for the U.S. Coast Guard-led “Approaches to Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts Port Access Route Study” (MNMPARS). More information

April 7, 2022: Marine Life – Marine Mammals

The cetacean data products developed by the Marine life Data & Analysis Team (MDAT), including all summary products, now include the latest North Atlantic right whale models developed by the Duke University Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab (MGEL). In addition, the MDAT cetacean sound sensitivity species group products have been updated based on the findings of a recent journal article (Southall et al., 2019). More information

February 28, 2022: Marine Transportation

Added ferry routes and ferry terminals. More information •  View map

February 14, 2022: Energy & Infrastructure

In collaboration with BOEM, added Central Atlantic DRAFT Call for Information and Nominations Area map layer. More information

February 14, 2022: Marine Transportation

In collaboration with the US Coast Guard, added Final Recommendations from USCG Port Access Route Study for Northern New York Bight. More information

January 22, 2022: Energy & Infrastructure

In collaboration with BOEM, added New York Bight Final Sale Notice (FSN) Areas map layer, showing six offshore wind energy lease areas scheduled to be auctioned on February 23, 2022. More information

December 13, 2021: Marine Life – Fish & Shellfish

In collaboration with the University of Massachusetts School of Marine Science and Technology (SMAST), added a map layer showing the results of a multi-year survey to characterize Atlantic sea scallop distribution. More information

December 2, 2021: Marine Life – Birds

In collaboration with the US Geological Survey South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the US Fish & Wildlife Service, added a new map layer depicting the first satellite tracks of the endangered black-capped petrel. More information

November 4, 2021: Commercial Fishing – Management Areas

In collaboration with the NOAA Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO), added a layer showing the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan (ALWTRP) Phase 1 modifications. More information

September 28, 2021: Habitat – Glacial Moraines

In collaboration with the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council (RI CRMC), added a layer that depicts the extent of glacial moraines offshore of Rhode Island, as mapped during the Ocean Special Area Management Plan (Ocean SAMP) development process. More information

September 28, 2021: Marine Life – Marine Mammals & Sea Turtles

Added New England Aquarium Megafauna Aerial Survey Transects 2011-2021 and data layers for the components of a proposed Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) design for regional long-term monitoring in North and Mid-Atlantic offshore lease areas and wind energy areas. More information

September 15, 2021: Marine Life – Fish

Updated maps of distribution and biomass of fish species. More information

August 5, 2021: Commercial Fishing – Management Areas

Final coral protection areas designated by NOAA Fisheries on Georges Bank and in the Gulf of Maine. More information

June 30, 2021: Energy & Infrastructure

Added New York Bight Proposed 2021 Lease Sale Areas in collaboration with BOEM. More information

June 24, 2021: Bathymetry

Added several new map layers that provide access to high-resolution bathymetry data and information: 4- and 16-meter resolution northeast regional bathymetry composites; footprints of surveys with digital sounding data; and footprints of planned NOAA hydrographic surveys. More information

June 18, 2021: Aquaculture

In collaboration with the US Army Corps of Engineers New England District, added the boundaries of the two open water sites in a permit application filed by Blue Water Fisheries. More information

June 4, 2021: Marine Transportation – Commercial Traffic

Added vessel traffic data for 2020 in collaboration with US Coast Guard, Marine Cadastre, and marine industry. More information

April 28, 2021: Habitat & Restoration – Eelgrass & Tidal Marsh Vegetation

Added and updated eelgrass and tidal marsh vegetation data in collaboration with US EPA Region 1, states, and others. More information

April 28, 2021: Recreation – Whale Watching & Scuba

Updated whale watching and scuba data in collaboration with local industry, stakeholders, and experts.

April 8, 2021: Marine Transportation – Proposed Areas and Studies

Added Proposed Ambrose Anchorage Ground in collaboration with USCG. More information

April 8, 2021: National Security; Energy & Infrastructure – Planning Areas

Added Department of Defense Offshore Wind Mission Compatibility Assessments.

March 30, 2021: Energy and Infrastructure – Planning Areas

Added New York Bight Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) in collaboration with BOEM. More information

March 8, 2021: Commercial Fishing – Management Areas

Updated various fishery management areas in collaboration with NOAA Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office.

March 8, 2021: Water Quality – Impaired Waters

Added Water Quality Assessment Areas from the EPA Assessment Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Tracking and Implementation System (ATTAINS) in collaboration with EPA. More information

March 8, 2021: Demography and Economy

Added total population data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 5-year estimates. More information

February 3, 2021: Energy and Infrastructure – Planning Areas

Added Gulf of Maine Floating Offshore Wind Research Array Area of Interest, in collaboration with Maine Department of Marine Resources. More information

January 22, 2021: Energy and Infrastructure – Planning Areas

Added South Fork Wind Farm and South Fork Export Cable Project Work Area, Proposed Cable Route, Interarray Cables, and Proposed Turbine Generator Locations. More information

November 20, 2020: Marine Transportation – Navigation

Added NOAA Dynamic Management Areas for North Atlantic Right Whales. More information

November 17, 2020: Energy and Infrastructure

Added Virginia Offshore Wind Turbine Locations map layer. More information

November 17, 2020: Administrative Boundaries

Added Coastal Zone Management Act map layer. More information

October 21, 2020: Marine Transportation

Added Isles of Shoals North Disposal Site designated by EPA September 25, 2020. More information

October 21, 2020: Physical Oceanography

Added the following North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study (NACCS) layers: NACCS Tropical Storm Peaks, NACCS 100-year Return Period Water Levels, NACCS 100-year Return Period Wave Heights, and NACCS Storm Tracks.

September 9, 2020: Habitat – Physical

Added estimated median bottom shear stress (annual and seasonal) based on USGS model. More information

July 30, 2020: Commercial Fishing – Management Areas

Finalized map layer showing Research Areas in the Great South Channel Habitat Management Area. More information

July 29, 2020: Marine Transportation – Proposed Areas and Studies

Added new category under Marine Transportation called Proposed Areas and Studies with new map layers showing boundaries for five U.S. Coast Guard-led Port Access Route Study (PARS) areas along the East Coast and nine Atlantic Coast shipping safety fairways under consideration by the U.S. Coast Guard.

July 6, 2020: Energy & Infrastructure – Planning Areas

Updated Active Renewable Energy Leases and BOEM Wind Planning Areas map layers. More information

June 19, 2020: Commercial Fishing – Management Areas

Added data on Clam Dredge Exemption Areas, implemented by NOAA Fisheries, where dredge fishing for surfclams or mussels will be allowed in the Great South Channel Habitat Management Area. More information

June 12, 2020: Marine Transportation – 2018 and 2019 Vessel Traffic

Added annual and monthly data on vessel transits for several categories of vessels in 2018 and 2019. More information

June 2, 2020: Habitat – Northeast Fishing Effects Model

Added three types of data and maps from the NEFMC Northeast Fishing Effects Model: Sediment, Percent Seabed Habitat Disturbance, and Intrinsic Seabed Habitat Vulnerability. More information

May 19, 2020: Cultural Resources & Recreation – Parks and Reserves

Updated map layer representing Parks and Reserves within 10 kilometers of the New England shoreline. More information

May 19, 2020: Commercial Fishing – Management Areas

Updated map layer with revised boundaries for Sea Scallop Rotational Areas. More information

March 26, 2020: Energy and Infrastructure – Transmission Lines and Substations

Updated map layers showing the voltage and location of electric transmission lines and substations in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. More information

March 25, 2020: Marine Transportation – Navigation

Added new map layer from US Army Corps of Engineers showing congressionally authorized navigation channels. More information

December 9, 2019: Marine Life – Sea Turtles

Added new map layers showing annual and monthly densities of tagged loggerhead sea turtles from Florida to southern New England. More information

November 18, 2019: Marine Life – Birds

Added new map layers showing migration routes and winter habitats of northern gannet, red-throated loon, and surf scoter. More information

November 13, 2019: Administrative Boundaries – USCG Sectors

Added new map layer showing US Coast Guard Sectors. More information

October 24, 2019: Commercial Fishing – Management Areas

Added new map layer showing NOAA Fisheries Statistical Reporting Areas. More information

October 22, 2019: Physical Oceanography – Wind Speed

Updated map layer characterizing the annual offshore wind speed in the northeast and mid-Atlantic regions. More information

October 21, 2019: Bathymetry – High-resolution Gulf of Maine Bathymetry

Added two new map layers with high-resolution bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. More information

October 1, 2019: Navigation – Isles of Shoals North Disposal Site (Proposed)

Added new map layer with boundaries for a proposed new ocean dredged materials disposal site located approximately 10.8 nautical miles east of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. More information

July 29, 2019: Habitat – Submarine Canyons and Deep-Sea Coral Habitat

Added a submarine canyons layer under Habitat:Physical and replaced the deep-sea coral habitat suitability layers with new versions under Habitat:Biological. More information

July 22, 2019: Commercial Fishing – Management Areas

Added Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Regulated and Exempted Areas. More information

July 22, 2019: Marine Life – Habitat: Deep-Sea Corals

Due to changes in data availability from the national Marine Cadastre, replaced deep-sea coral layers with new layers showing two broad groups of deep-sea corals: stony coral species and soft coral species. More information

July 18, 2019: Marine Transportation – Navigation

Updated with the latest information and enhanced with improved visualizations. More information

June 28, 2019: Marine Life

Fish (Version 3): Added individual species data from spring NEFSC trawl surveys, updated data from fall surveys, provided higher spatial resolution (2 km), used NEFSC methods and code, and updated Species Group data products. Marine mammals (Version 2.1): Updated Individual Species data products for several cetacean species that did not receive updates in Version 2 (2018) and updates all Species Group data products. More information

June 4, 2019: Energy and Infrastructure

Added new map layers for the proposed Vineyard Wind development and the South Fork Wind Farm proposed by Deepwater Wind South Fork LLC. Updated map layers for renewable energy leases and planning areas to reflect outcomes of competitive lease sale held by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) in December 2018. More information

April 24, 2019: Administrative Boundaries

Added new map layer for Amended Rhode Island Geographic Location Description. More information

April 17, 2019: Commercial Fishing – Communities at Sea

Added dozens of new map layers showing which areas of the ocean are important to different fishing communities. More information

April 16, 2019: Aquaculture

Updated with the latest dataset available for New Hampshire. More information

March 7, 2019: Sand

Added new map layer related to sand resources on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS): Atlantic OCS Aliquots with Sand Resources. More information

February 7, 2019: Commercial Fishing – Management Areas

Added new map layers related to NEFMC Clam Dredge Framework: (1) Clam and Mussel Dredge Exemptions and (2) Research Areas. More information

January 14, 2019: Offshore Energy Planning Areas

Enhanced visualizations of and updated information about offshore energy development in the region. More information

December 13, 2018: Commercial Fishing – Fishery Management Areas

Updated to reflect the latest information from the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO). More information

November 27, 2018: Energy & Infrastructure – Planning Areas

Added New York Draft Wind Energy Areas and Massachusetts Final Sale Notice Areas. More information

November 16, 2018: Commercial Fishing – Fishery Management Areas

Added NEFMC Clam Dredge Framework Alternatives and Habitat Management Areas. More information

November 8, 2018: Marine Transportation – Commercial Traffic

Added 2017 AIS data on transit counts for eight vessel categories: All, Cargo, Passenger, Tug-Tow, Fishing, Tanker, Pleasure Craft-Sailing Vessel, and Other. More information | Metadata

November 6, 2018: Administrative Boundaries

Added U.S. Coast Guard Districts (metadata) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Boundary (metadata).

November 6, 2018: Aquaculture

Updated datasets for Maine and Rhode Island

August 8, 2018: Marine Life (Mammals, Birds, Fish)

The original Version 1 marine life data products from the Marine-life Data and Analysis Team (MDAT) were released in 2016 in conjunction with the Northeast Ocean Plan. The Version 2 MDAT products released August 8, 2018, include extensive updates and other changes. Broadly, the changes include:

  • updates to Individual Species products for mammals and birds, reflecting new and recent marine life observations such as from the NOAA Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (AMAPPS);
  • new Individual Species products for seven bird species that were not previously included;
  • a new Individual Species product for a cetacean species (Cuvier’s beaked whale) that was previously only modeled as part of a guild;
  • new Species Group products for fish showing the distribution of some species (Stressor Groups) that are particularly vulnerable to climate change stressors; and
  • updates to all other Species Group products (such as Total Abundance, Total Biomass, and Species Richness products for Ecological Groups, Species of Concern Groups, and Stressor Groups) for mammals, birds, and fish using refined calculation methods.

For more information: MDAT Technical ReportMDAT Cetacean Product Updates Summary of ChangesMDAT Avian Product Updates Summary of ChangesMDAT Fish Product Updates Summary of Changes

July 12, 2018: Vessel Traffic (AIS)

Added annual vessel traffic data for 2015 and 2016 with data on transit counts as well as density, revised vessel categories, and added monthly data for some years and vessel categories. More information

May 24, 2018: Commercial Fishing

Under Draft Alternative Management Areas, added Coral Amendment – Final Council Preferred Alternatives (pending NMFS approval, rulemaking) and removed previous Draft Alternative Management Areas.

May 24, 2018: Administrative Boundaries

Added Federal Consistency Geographic Location Descriptions.

May 16, 2018: Eelgrass

Updated the regional eelgrass map with state datasets updated since 2014. More information

May 3, 2018: Energy and Infrastructure

Added the New York Bight Call for Information and Nominations Areas (BOEM) to the Planning Areas subtheme of the Energy and Infrastructure theme. More information

May 1, 2018: Energy and Infrastructure

Added the Massachusetts Proposed Sale Notice Areas (BOEM) to the Planning Areas subtheme of the Energy and Infrastructure theme. More information

April 30, 2018: Commercial Fishing

Updated commercial fishing vessel activity datasets with two more years of data (through 2016) and organized the datasets according to fishery management plans developed by the New England Fishery Management Council and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council. More information

April 13, 2018: Energy and Infrastructure

Added two map layers associated with the 2019-2024 National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program: 2019-2014 Oil and Gas Draft Proposed Program Areas and 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Program Exclusion Option Areas.

April 13, 2018: Administrative Boundaries

Added the 12NM Territorial Sea.

February 5, 2018: Energy and Infrastructure

Updated information about energy development projects: Atlantic Link, Maine Aqua Ventus, a marine hydrokinetic energy testing site at the Cape Cod Canal, and offshore energy planning areas. More information

January 9, 2018: Commercial Fishing

Under Draft Proposed Management Areas, added revised Option 7 broad zone under consideration by the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) for the Deep-Sea Coral Amendment. More information

November 29, 2017: Recreation

Added South Shore Blueway, Long Island (Water Trails). Added new Boat Launch data for Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island. Added more features to Other Parks and Reserves. More information

November 20, 2017: Energy and Infrastructure

Added New York’s Area for Consideration for offshore wind energy development. More information

September 1, 2017: Commercial Fishing

Updated lobster management areas and scallop rotational areas. More information

August 16, 2017: Ocean Observing Buoys and Stations

Updated by adding and removing buoys, indicating buoy status as active or inactive, and adding URL for accessing buoy data. More information

May 18, 2017: Commercial Fishing

Added new draft alternatives for deep-sea coral management areas. More information

April 12, 2017: Marine Life – Fish

Added data on fish distribution and biomass in Long Island Sound. More information

March 29, 2017: Commercial Fishing

Added draft alternatives for deep-sea coral management areas. More information

October 19, 2016: Marine Life

Added data for groups of fish, marine mammals, and birds, including biological groups, species of concern, ecological groups, and groups of species with similar sensitivity to specific stressors. More information

July 19, 2016: Bathymetry

Added 25 new datasets covering areas of Long Island Sound, New York Harbor and vicinity, and southern and midcoast Maine. More information

May 25, 2016: Marine Life

Added data on distribution and abundance or biomass of 29 marine mammal species and species guilds, 40 bird species, and 82 fish species. More information

May 25, 2016: National Security

Added offshore military ranges, operational areas, equipment testing areas, and additional data showing the Department of Defense presence and footprint in the region. More information

May 25, 2016: Demography and Economy

Added data on human population, housing, employment, gross domestic product (GDP), tourism, marinas, seafood processing facilities, commercial fishery landings, and port cargo volumes. More information

March 17, 2016: Restoration

Added potential restoration projects focused on watershed and water quality improvement. More information

March 17, 2016: Physical and Biological Habitat

Added physical habitat data: seabed forms, estimated sediment grain size, surficial sediment (with data quality index), surface and bottom currents, surface and bottom temperature, and water column stratification. Added biological habitat data: eelgrass beds, wetlands, shellfish beds, and cold-water corals. More information

December 8, 2015: Commercial Fishing

Updated commercial fishing vessel activity. Added fishery management areas. More information

November 6, 2015: Recreation

Added commercial whale watching areas, SCUBA diving locations, long-distance sailing race routes, and other individual recreational activities. More information

November 6, 2015: Marine Transportation

Added 2013 data on commercial vessel traffic including: all vessels, cargo vessels, passenger vessels, tanker vessels, and tow-and-two vessels. More information

July 16, 2015: Aquaculture

Updated aquaculture data.

March 26, 2015: Eelgrass

Added data on eelgrass coverage and past eelgrass surveys. More information

March 11, 2015: Energy and Infrastructure

Updated renewable energy planning areas to reflect lease sale of portions of Massachusetts Wind Energy Area. More information

February 27, 2015: Bathymetry

Added bathymetry dataset covering areas around New York and New Jersey. More information

January 15, 2015: Bathymetry

Added planned hydrographic surveys. Added new data product with bathymetry contours for area southward of Rhode Island and Cape Cod. More information

December 16, 2014: Culture

Added historically and culturally significant sites within ten kilometers of the coastline in Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York. More information

October 16, 2014: Bathymetry

Added data from more than 100 multibeam sonar surveys. More information

September 26, 2014: Water Quality

Added water bodies for which a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) has been established. More information

September 24, 2014: Habitat

Added predicted habitat for deep-sea corals. More information

September 15, 2014: Water Quality

Added beaches designated under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Beach Advisory and Closing Online Notification system (BEACON). More information

August 27, 2014: Culture

Added administrative boundaries of the National Park System, including historic sites, memorials, monuments, and other features. More information

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