U.S. Navy Uses Data Portal to Select Test Site for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
Case Study U.S. Navy Uses Data Portal to Select Test Site for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Northeast Ocean Data Portal User: U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center Objective: Identify a suitable area for testing an unmanned underwater vehicle without interfering with...
Coast Guard Uses Data Portal in Waterways Management in the Northeast
Case Study Coast Guard Uses Data Portal for Waterways Management in the Northeast Northeast Ocean Data Portal User: United States Coast Guard, 1st District Objectives: To manage the complex waterways of the Northeast, including (1) determining if changes are needed in...
Inspiring K-12 Students to Investigate the Ocean Ecosystem and Ocean Uses
Case Study Inspiring K-12 Students to Investigate the Ocean Ecosystem and Ocean Uses “I like it because you can approach it from any lens. It’s a great clearinghouse of information.” John Van Dis K-12 Teacher, Maine Northeast Ocean Data Portal Users: Edna Drinkwater...
Leveraging Ocean Data for Economic and Ecological Vitality
Case Study Leveraging Ocean Data for Economic and Ecological Vitality “Data-sharing is critical for the public and decision-makers to have easy access to information they want and need to make decisions. The Northeast Ocean Data Portal has been a great partner in...