Updates to Sea Scallop Rotational Areas from NOAA Fisheries

Maps representing revised boundaries for Sea Scallop Rotational Areas are now updated on the Northeast Ocean Data Portal, as made available by the NOAA Fisheries Service’s Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO). The updated Sea Scallop Rotational Areas...

Updates to electric transmission lines and substations data

In partnership with the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal, updates to the Electric Transmission Lines and Electric Substations map layers are now available in the Energy & Infrastructure theme map and in the Data Explorer. The Electric Transmission Lines layer shows...

New layer from Army Corps of Engineers shows navigation channels

A new map layer showing the location of congressionally authorized navigation channels is now available in the Navigation category of the Data Explorer. The layer is part of the National Channel Framework, a database maintained by the US Army Corps of Engineers. The...

Read our latest newsletter for a round-up of Portal happenings

The latest issue of the Northeast Ocean Data Portal newsletter is now online. It’s jam-packed with news about data updates, upcoming data releases, new Portal features, and how the Portal is being used for ocean planning and management in the region. Subscribe...