The Northeast Ocean Data Portal has been updated with new datasets and information to support decision-making processes related to offshore wind energy development in the region.
New datasets include the proposed project envelopes and cable routes for two projects located south of Massachusetts and Rhode Island: the Vineyard Wind development proposed by Vineyard Wind LLC in Lease Area OCS-A 0501 and the South Fork Wind Farm proposed by Deepwater Wind South Fork LLC in Lease Area OCS-A 0486. These data reflect information submitted by the developers to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) (more detail below).
Also updated are the data and information representing renewable energy leases and planning areas in the region. Specifically, the layers have been updated to reflect the outcomes of the competitive lease sale held by BOEM in December 2018 for a total of nearly 390,000 acres located south of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, Massachusetts. The three leases sold for over $405 million total.
All new and updated data and information have been provided by BOEM. The data can be viewed on the Energy & Infrastructure Theme Map and the Data Explorer mapping tool.
Vineyard Wind proposed project envelope and cable route
Two new layers reflect elements of the proposed Vineyard Wind project as depicted in the Construction and Operations Plan (COP) submitted by Vineyard Wind, LLC and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) prepared by the BOEM. The DEIS considered five alternative layouts within the proposed project envelope. All options are located within federal waters on the outer continental shelf (OCS), specifically in the BOEM Renewable Energy Lease Area OCS-A 501, approximately 14 miles from the southeast corner of Martha’s Vineyard and a similar distance from the southwest side of Nantucket. Water depths where the turbines would be located range from approximately 37 to 49 meters (approximately 121 to 161 feet). More information about this project and its status can be found on BOEM’s Vineyard Wind page.
South Fork Wind Farm proposed project envelopes and cable route
These new layers reflect elements of the proposed South Fork Wind Farm (SFWF) as depicted in the Construction and Operations Plan (COP) submitted by Deepwater Wind South Fork, LLC in June 2018 and revised in September 2018. Consistent with BOEM’s Draft Guidance Regarding the Use of a Project Design Envelope in a COP, the developer considered several potential technologies and installation methods for the SFWF. This envelope approach resulted in two potential envelopes that correspond to different turbine layouts and spacing that will be considered in the environmental review for the project. Precise cable routes may be revised as additional information is gathered. All options are located within federal waters on the outer continental shelf, specifically in the BOEM Renewable Energy Lease Area OCS-A 0486, approximately 19 miles southeast of Block Island, Rhode Island, and 35 miles east of Montauk Point, New York. More information about this project and its status can be found on BOEM’s South Fork page.