Technical Background

TECHNICAL BACKGROUND The Northeast Ocean Data Portal website at serves as a shared source of peer-reviewed regional data and information to support decision-making by government and non-government entities, and activities of the many...

Theme Maps

THEME MAPS Theme Maps show pre-selected, curated collections of data on key topics and are intended for users who want a quick and easy way to see the main datasets on a topic of interest. Theme Maps have basic mapping functionality and do not offer options to add...


ABOUT THE NORTHEAST OCEAN DATA PORTAL Public Source of Expert-Reviewed Data and Maps Established in 2009, the Northeast Ocean Data Portal provides free, user-friendly access to expert-reviewed interactive maps and data on the ocean ecosystem, economy, and culture...

Data Download

DATA DOWNLOAD Many of the data layers viewable on the Theme Maps and Data Explorer are available to be used in ArcGIS and other platforms outside As listed below on this page, some datasets are provided in downloadable databases hosted by...

External Data Sources

EXTERNAL DATA SOURCES Along with Northeast Ocean Data, other sources of maps and data are available for ocean planning in the region. This page provides a directory of select sources. Northeast Ocean Data is not responsible for data integrity or operability of the...