January 2021 Newsletter

Read the January 2021 newsletter for a round-up of Northeast Ocean Data Portal news and happenings, and subscribe to receive future newsletters as soon as they are...

New layer shows Coastal Zone Management Act boundary

The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (CZMA), administered by NOAA, provides for the management of the nation’s coastal resources, including the Great Lakes. The goal is to “preserve, protect, develop, and where possible, to restore or enhance the resources of the...

Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind turbine locations added to Portal

In partnership with the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal, the locations of the first offshore wind turbines in U.S. federal waters off the coast of Virginia are now available to view on the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. The new Virginia Offshore Wind Turbine Locations...
High-resolution data on coastal storm and flood risk in the Northeast

High-resolution data on coastal storm and flood risk in the Northeast

Through its Resilient Shorelines Grant Program, the Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) funded the development of a database and web services that provide streamlined access to high-resolution data on coastal storm and flood risk in the Northeast. Produced by a...