Northeast Ocean Data announces the release of updated data on aquaculture sites in New Hampshire.
Aquaculture sites can be viewed on the Aquaculture Theme Map and on the Data Explorer. A database containing the updated data is provided on the Data Download page.
Northeast Ocean Data’s aquaculture map layer shows currently operating marine aquaculture facilities in the region based on the best available information from state aquaculture coordinators and programs. The updated New Hampshire dataset was provided by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, and it shows the boundaries of licensed aquaculture sites as of February 28, 2019. Sites that were pending application approval were not included in this layer. More information is available in the metadata.
Aquaculture sites in New Hampshire
For information about an aquaculture site shown on the map, click on the Identify button in the upper right corner of the Data Explorer map, and then click on the aquaculture site.
Example of information available by using the “Identify” button
Other types of data can be overlaid with the aquaculture data in the Data Explorer. This example shows aquaculture sites and vessel traffic (2017) on the satellite imagery basemap.
Aquaculture sites and vessel traffic