We’ve posted a tutorial that shows how to use the newly released Communities at Sea maps.

Communities at Sea makes it possible to see linkages between fishing ports and the fishing locations that are most important to them. The data are based on Vessel Trip Report (VTR) data and vessel permit data.

The tutorial demonstrates (1) how to select gear type and time period to view a regional map of fishing activity, (2) how to select an individual port and see where most of its fishing activity occurs, and (3) how to overlay other map layers, such as fishery closures. The overlay functionality can be used with any of the map layers for ocean uses, marine life, and the environment.

View the tutorial below, or you can find it on the Tutorials page, where you’ll also find other useful tutorials on Northeast Ocean Data’s features. This tutorial can also be accessed directly at the following shareable link: https://vimeo.com/333997559.

Article Name
Tutorial on "Communities at Sea" Maps of Commercial Fishing Activity
Tutorial about how to use the Northeast Ocean Data Portal's Communities at Sea maps to see linkages between fishing communities and the fishing locations that are most important to them.
Publisher Name
Northeast Ocean Data Portal