The Northeast Ocean Data Portal has updated and reorganized the data depicting federally designated critical habitats for marine endangered species. Critical habitat data layers for species in the Atlantic Ocean are now included in each relevant taxonomic category in the Data Explorer.

When a species is listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the responsible federal agencies evaluate and identify whether any areas meet the definition of critical habitat. Critical habitat is defined as specific areas within the geographical area occupied by the species at the time of listing that contain physical or biological features essential to conservation of the species and that may require special management considerations or protection; and specific areas outside the geographical area occupied by the species if the agency determines that the area itself is essential for conservation.

States may have their own laws designating and protecting endangered species. State-listed species can be different from federally listed species (more below).

Marine Mammals
A layer showing the designated North Atlantic right whale critical habitat is available within the Marine Mammals category in the Data Explorer. Four other whale species that occur in our region are listed under the ESA but do not have critical habitat defined in our region. These species include Blue whale, Fin whale, Sperm whale, and Sei whale. Their distribution, along with that of North Atlantic right whale, can be mapped using the “All ESA listed” marine mammal species group products under Marine Mammals > Modeled distribution (MDAT) > Species of concern.

Screenshot of Data Explorer interactive map.

Total abundance of ESA-listed whale species and North Atlantic right whale critical habitat.

Sea Turtles
A layer showing critical habitat for the Northwest Atlantic Distinct Population Segment (DPS) for Loggerhead turtle is available within the Sea Turtles category in the Data Explorer. Portal users can also overlay monthly predicted densities of Loggerhead turtles using the “View Individual Species” menu with the Sea Turtles category. Five other sea turtle species found in U.S. water are all listed and protected under the ESA – Green, Hawksbill, Kemp’s Ridley, Leatherback, and Olive Ridley but do not have critical habitat defined in our region. The Portal contains predicted density maps for four species (Green, Kemp’s Ridley, Leatherback, Loggerhead).

Screenshot of Data Explorer interactive map.

Predicted density of Loggerhead sea turtle in April shown with Loggerhead turtle critical habitat.

Four seabirds and shorebirds in our region are ESA-listed: Rufa red knot, Piping plover, Roseate tern, and Black-capped petrel. Two layers from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service show proposed and final critical habitat in the Atlantic for Rufa red knot (endangered) and Piping plover (threatened). Roseate tern and Black-capped petrel do not have critical habitat defined in our region. The available critical habitat layers can be found within the Birds category in the Data Explorer. Whereas the Portal currently does not contain relative density models for Rufa red knot or Piping plover, models for Roseate tern and Black-capped petrel are available within the Birds > Individual Species menu.

Because there are a few more bird species listed as endangered by individual New England and Mid-Atlantic states than are federally listed, the Marine-life Data and Analysis Team (MDAT) developed a species group called “State-listed species” under Birds > Modeled distribution (MDAT) > Species of Concern. Portal users can view State-listed species total relative density as shown below.

Screenshot of Data Explorer interactive map.

Predicted relative density of state-bird species and areas of proposed and final critical habitat for birds (Rufa red knot and Piping plover).