Case Studies

CASE STUDIES Applications of Northeast Ocean Data These case studies provide examples of the many ways that public- and private-sector organizations use the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. Icons indicate ocean uses related to each case study. First Shellfish Farm in...

Additional Maps of Deep-Sea Coral Management Area Alternatives

The New England Fishery Management Council will be conducting seven public hearings from May 22–26, 2017, to solicit comments on the alternatives under consideration in the Draft Omnibus Deep-Sea Coral Amendment. The draft amendment includes several draft alternatives...

401 Error: Authorization Required

You have been redirected to this page because you did not provide a valid username and/or password for the password-protected development site of Northeast Ocean Data.  To try again to log-in to the development site, click on the following link:...

NEFMC Deep-Sea Coral Management Area Alternatives

The New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) is in the process of developing an amendment to protect deep-sea corals in the Gulf of Maine and in the slope/canyon region south of Georges Bank. As part of this process, the Council is considering...

Enhancements to Interactive Maps

We are pleased to announce several enhancements to the Northeast Ocean Data Portal’s interactive maps:  More basemap options:  The Basemaps menu now includes Esri Streets and Esri National Geographic, along with Oceans,...