Updated Data and Maps of Fisheries Management Areas

Now available on Northeast Ocean Data are updated data and maps of fisheries management areas in the northeastern United States:  Updated lobster management areas and scallop rotational areas with new data from the NOAA Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office....


dAtA eXpLoReR Define and view any combination of data on one map LAUNCH DATA EXPLORER nEwS Sep 17, 2024BOEM Sets Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind Auction for October 29, 2024Sep 16, 2024BOEM Grants Maine Floating Offshore Wind Energy Research LeaseJun 26, 2024Upcoming...

Updated Map of Ocean Observing Buoys and Stations

The Data Explorer screenshot below shows the updated ocean observing buoys and stations layer. Click on the map to see a larger screenshot. Click on the blue button to open an interactive version of this map in the Data Explorer. Launch interactive version in Data...

Enhancements Provide New Options to Customize Data Explorer Maps

We are pleased to announce enhancements to the Data Explorer that give users more control over how data are displayed on the interactive map. The new functionalities are provided in the Active Layers tab located on the left side of the Data Explorer window. Click on...