New Maps of Commercial Fishing Vessel Activity Between 2015-2019

Nine new commercial fishing vessel activity data products are now available. These are the result from a multi-year collaboration among the Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC), the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO), and the Responsible Offshore...

Updates to Coastal Wastewater Facilities, Outfall Pipes, Outfalls

The Northeast Ocean Data Portal now shows updated maps of publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities, other facilities, outfall discharge pipelines, and outfall discharge points that discharge significantly to coastal surface waters at or near the contiguous U.S....

Printer-Friendly Portal Maps with Long Legends

A new enhancement to the Data Explorer’s “Save Image” tool makes it possible to fit lengthy legends—such as that for the Active Renewable Energy Leases map layer—on a downloadable, printer-friendly image of the map. After clicking on the “Save Image” button in...