Three recent training sessions in Massachusetts and New Hampshire enabled approximately fifty participants to get up to speed quickly on the features and functionality of the Northeast Ocean Data Portal and to learn about the Portal as a resource for their work.
The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) hosted trainings in New Bedford on March 21 and in Gloucester on April 24. The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) sponsored a training in Portsmouth on May 1.
Members of the Northeast Ocean Data Working Group led the trainings and tailored them to the needs and interests of the participants, who included staff from DMF, DES, and other government and non-government organizations. The Massachusetts trainings, for example, began with an overview of the Portal’s role in ocean planning and a demonstration of Portal features, and then explored two case studies of applications of the Portal for fisheries management and offshore wind energy planning.
Group trainings are available at no charge for government agencies (local, state, federal), non-government organizations, businesses, and educational institutions. Please contact us to inquire about arranging a training for your group.