On August 19, 2024, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the state of Maine research an agreement on  the nation’s first floating offshore wind energy research lease. The execution of the research lease reflects a priority of the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap, a stakeholder-driven comprehensive plan that offers detailed strategies for Maine to realize economic, energy, and climate benefits from offshore wind, in conjunction with communities, fisheries, and wildlife of the Gulf of Maine.

The research array will allow the state of Maine, the fishing community, wildlife experts, the offshore wind industry, and others, including the Maine Offshore Wind Research Consortium, to conduct in-depth studies and thoroughly evaluate floating offshore wind as a renewable energy source in the region. Research conducted on the array will evaluate its compatibility with existing ocean uses and assess its potential effects on the environment, supply chains, and job creation.

The State of Maine has designated Pine Tree Offshore Wind, LLC as the operator for the research lease (OCS-A 0553). As a research lease, the state’s designated operator will propose and conduct research regarding environmental and engineering aspects of the proposed project. This information will be made public and used to inform future planning, permitting, and construction of commercial-scale floating offshore wind projects in the region.

The lease area covers a little less than 15,000 acres located 28 nautical miles offshore Maine on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf and could allow for the deployment of up to 12 floating offshore wind turbines capable of generating up to 144 megawatts of renewable energy. A map of the research lease can be viewed in the Data Explorer under Energy & Infrastructure.