Northeast Ocean Data is releasing a new thematic map of potential restoration projects in New England. If funded, these restoration projects can improve and maintain estuarine and ocean health by enhancing watershed and water quality conditions, restoring the health of fish populations and fisheries, and providing economic benefits through job creation, fisheries improvements, and tourism opportunities.
The projects focus on watershed and water quality improvement; dam removal and fish passage; salt marsh, wetland, eelgrass, and oyster reef restoration; and other initiatives. Click on the map symbol for each project to see a project description and a link to a project website, if available.
Members of the Northeast Regional Planning Body Restoration Subcommittee identified and provided information about the projects. The dataset includes only projects that are not fully funded and therefore offer opportunities for investment in ocean health. A majority of these projects are eligible for federal funding, and the project partners are seeking non-federal cost-sharing match.
Screenshot of Restoration Map
Screenshot with a Project Information Box