Applications of Northeast Ocean Data
These case studies provide examples of the many ways that public- and private-sector organizations use the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. Icons indicate ocean uses related to each case study.

First Shellfish Farm in Atlantic Federal Waters Facilitated by the Northeast Ocean Data Portal
Data Portal User: Northeastern Massachusetts Aquaculture Center (NEMAC)
Location: Off Gloucester, Massachusetts
Balancing Deep-Sea Coral Protection and Commercial Fishing
Data Portal User: New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC)
Location: Gulf of Maine & offshore canyons, continental shelf, and seamounts
Data Portal User: Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (NERACOOS)
Location: Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Leveraging Ocean Data for Economic and Ecological Vitality
Data Portal User: New York Department of State
Location: New York State
Supporting Ocean Planning in the State of Connecticut
Data Portal User: Connecticut Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection
Location: Long Island Sound
Inspiring K-12 Students to Investigate the Ocean Ecosystem and Ocean Uses
Data Portal Users:
- Edna Drinkwater School (Northport, Maine)
- Long Island School (Casco Bay, Maine)
- Island Institute
Location: Maine
Coast Guard Uses Data Portal for Waterways Management in the Northeast
Data Portal User: United States Coast Guard, 1st District
Location: Northeast Region
U.S. Navy Uses Data Portal to Select Test Site for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
Data Portal User: U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center
Location: Rhode Island and Long Island Sound
More case studies are in development and will be posted on an ongoing basis.
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