
This map shows locations of ecosystem restoration and conservation projects that have been identified as regional priorities. When implemented, the projects will improve ocean health in New England. The Northeast Priority Restoration Site dataset was developed and is maintained by a joint Ocean Health Ecosystem Restoration Subcommittee of the Northeast Regional Planning Body and Northeast Regional Ocean Council. The development of this dataset was under the direction of representatives from state, tribal, and federal committee members. These sites include projects relating to watersheds, dam removal/fish passages, salt marsh restoration, eelgrass, oysters, and other projects. Any parties interested in funding the non-federal portion of a project may contact Restoration | Northeast Ocean Data Portal

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for additional information. This map also shows (1) National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2 streams, rivers, lakes and ponds when zoomed to the 288K scale, (2) eelgrass beds, and (3) coastal wetlands. Users may zoom to 36k scale to see satellite imagery.

Data Considerations

The Northeast Priority Restoration Site dataset includes only projects that are not fully funded and therefore represent opportunities for investment in ocean health. A majority of these projects are eligible for federal funding and are seeking the non-federal cost sharing match.

Points on the map represent approximations of potential project locations. See metadata for information on how site locations were mapped for each project.


The Northeast Priority Restoration Site dataset is a final product.