This map shows the locations of renewable energy project areas at various stages of operation, permitting, and planning. The generalized project categories are presented in the map legend.
Data Considerations
Operational Installations are sites that are actively deployed and operational. The Cobscook Bay OGCEN Power Project was deployed off Eastport, Maine, in 2012 and was the first tidal installation in North America. The University of Maine deployed the first grid-connected offshore wind turbine in North America near Castine, Maine, as a temporary prototype to support future expansion of wind energy at select ocean sites. The Block Island Wind Farm became operational in late 2016 as the first commercial offshore wind farm in the United States.
Permitted Projects are sites that have received a permit and may have begun the installation of infrastructure. The Roosevelt Island Tidal Project in the East River in New York has a pilot license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to develop a 1 MW hydrokinetic turbine.
Projects in Review are sites that are being reviewed and have not yet been approved for development. The Muskeget Tidal Energy Project in Massachusetts is a hydrokinetic project that has been in pre-filing for a FERC license. The Maine Aqua Ventus Site is a proposed floating offshore wind demonstration project. Atlantic Link is a proposed 375-mile subsea transmission line that would extend from St. John, New Brunswick, to Plymouth, Massachusetts, delivering electricity from land-based wind and hydro facilities to Massachusetts.
Planning and Lease Areas are locations that have been identified by their respective states or the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) as high in renewable energy potential and potentially suitable for offshore development. In federal waters, this includes wind planning areas offshore New York where leases may be awarded in the future, and lease areas offshore New York, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts that were awarded in 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2018. In state waters, this includes the Block Island Renewable Energy Zone, Maine Ocean Energy Demonstration Sites, and Massachusetts State Wind Energy Areas. This category also includes preliminary permits for marine hydrokinetic sites that are awarded by FERC.
The status of these planning and permitting areas change frequently, and the public is encouraged to review specific details for each project closely.
Support for Regional Ocean Planning
For information about how these data and maps were developed with stakeholder input and will be used to support regional ocean planning, please see the 2016 Northeast Ocean Plan at www.neoceanplanning.org.